Sunday, February 7, 2010

Oh yeah...

It was not my intentions to post once a month. I must fix that.

But anywho...

Back in like November/December I put in a request to do a panel @ Katsucon. So about three weeks ago, I hear that the schedule is up and people haven't heard anything. A day later, tweets come in from people about their panels and whatnot. So I shrug and say screw it. It's okay to have two One Piece podcasts, but not a podcast about how to do one (paraphrased from The Anime Almanac), so what gives.

Last night I get an e-mail from Katsucon with information about my panel. Wow, cutting it close aren't ya? It's a good thing I already have an outline! So this just confirms more of the chaos that's going behind the scenes. Oh, you don't know? Well you hear what's going on with AX, with their staff and department heads? Oh it's happening here with Katsucon.

To quote my good buddy Commie Mike, "Yo AX, I'm happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but Katsucon had the best staff mass resignation of all time. OF ALL TIME."

Well either way, I will have alcohol... If that doesn't help, NOTHING WILL.

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