Monday, August 8, 2011

Blowing the Dust Off

Well now... It's been a while hasn't it?

I always said that I'm a lazy guy.

I think it's time that I start blogging again.  I am also closing my livejournals out.  Over the years I've learned to blog without being emo and begging for help. I can help my own damn self.  So this week, both lj accounts will cease to exist.  I prolly won't delete the djranmas one, because that is my moniker, and I'd rather not see someone else with it.  But I will shed a tear.  I did learn a lot from being on there. I do know I have lost touch with friends on there, luckily some of them are on Facebook.

Before I go, I wanna wish my birthday twin Tabitha the very best of luck, she's in due process of giving birth.

And this photo...

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